N2015-Intellectual Property Work Management System

Trading platform
System details
  • Development language: .net Html5
  • Terminal type: PC/Mobile H5
With the rapid development of modern technology, the development of the industry has entered a more nuanced stage, and new challenges for intellectual property management have also been raised. The continuous advancement of data science in the information age has given excellent solutions to such problems. 25175 Shuntong Network developed this system based on nearly ten years of industry development experience.

Functional Module:

PC backend Experience Now

My work (new application form, unaccepted materials, confirmed accepted materials, unrenewed materials, today's certificate list, overdue certificate list, work event reminder), business statistics (monthly statistics, annual statistics), work calendar , Customer information (copyright holders, agents), commonly used documents, basic settings (secondary users, classification numbers, working days, copyright holder classification, copyright holder certificate type, copyright holder park, copyright holder enterprise category)

PC frontend Experience Now

Submit an application

Mobile H5 Experience Now

Login, homepage (today issuance list, overdue certificate, non-replenishment materials, unreceived materials list, events of the day), calendar, case classification (unaccepted materials, confirmed acceptance materials, non-replenishment materials, today issuance) Cases, cases of failure to issue a certificate overdue), work incidents