Mobile intelligent device management system

Trading platform
System details
  • Development language: Java Html5 JS Vue
  • Terminal type: PC/Applet
With the rapid development of modern science and technology, the demands of various industries for modern information management have entered a new stage, while the traditional manufacturing industry needs an efficient information management solution for the detailed arrangement of production and maintenance processes. Based on nearly ten years of industry development experience, 25175 Shuntong network developed this system.

Functional Module:

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Home page: spot check upgrade, repair upgrade, maintenance upgrade, task reminder

Asset registration: asset classification, equipment account, asset depreciation, residual value management, asset query

Asset management: asset allocation, asset processing, asset inventory, inventory list

Equipment maintenance: responsibility division, maintenance allocation, staff allocation, maintenance report

Equipment maintenance: maintenance template, maintenance specification, maintenance plan, spare parts check and purchase, maintenance problem query

Equipment spot check: spot check template, spot check specification and spot check question query

Knowledge base: maintenance knowledge base, maintenance knowledge base, point inspection knowledge base

Spare parts management: spare parts classification, spare parts list, spare parts collection, purchase application, spare parts storage, spare parts delivery, spare parts return, spare parts return, inventory monitoring, spare parts inventory, allocation management

Personnel management: punch in record, approval, training plan, authority management, employee management

Basic definitions: location definition, warehouse definition, warehouse location definition, supplier management and unit management

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Clock in, spot check task, repair report, repair order grabbing, work order processing, task assignment, maintenance operation, collection reminder, spare parts collection, confirmation collection, outsourcing maintenance, repair confirmation, repair record, repair status, plan scheduling, spare parts matching, maintenance operation, maintenance confirmation, maintenance record, collection reminder, purchase application, spare parts warehousing, spare parts outbound Spare parts return, spare parts return, spare parts inventory, inventory monitoring, inventory query, procurement tracking, spare parts cost, MTTR / MTBF, OEE, CMK, workload analysis, spare parts inventory analysis, maintenance cost