Footwear ERP Invoicing System

Trading platform
System details
Cooperation Case
  • Development language: .net Html5 Android Vue
  • Terminal type: PC/App/The public/Applet
Fully realize professional management of shoe production, sales, inventory, customers and finance, easily realize remote collaboration, multi-point office, intelligent analysis of business data, and make enterprise management more efficient and easier. Official platform of SaaS foorwear ERP Online experience of SaaS foorwear ERP

Functional Module:

PC Supported Standard Professional Ultimate Custom

Order management, sales management, financial management, product management, inventory management, customer management, employee management, query statistics, and other functions

App/The public/Applet App

Ordering, sales, inventory, scanning code in and out of warehouse, scanning code piece counting, customers, product list, shopping cart, personal center, statistics, Bluetooth printing

Smart management - Order

Order management supports the review process, and only the reviewed order form will be counted into the unshipped products, which is convenient to find and manage the order form.

Smart management - Sales

Sales management allows sales data to learn to speak, control the company's bright products and target customer groups, and look forward to the company's development direction.

Smart management - Financial

Comprehensive control of the company's financial status, effectively avoiding uncontrollable situations such as misaccounts and omissions.

Smart management - Product

Product management includes the management of the entire production process of the product, so that the production can realize scanning code and piece counting, which is more refined and more efficient.

Smart management - Inventory

Inventory management makes every entry and exit have traces to follow, which is clear at a glance.

Smart management - Customer

Customer management can better improve sales performance and prevent customers from losing.

Smart management - Employee

Employee management realizes the management of company employees with different types of work and different permissions, making salary settlement more accurate and faster.

Smart management - Statistics

Including customer unshipped statistics, product unshipped statistics, unshipped product statistics, annual order summary, etc., carry out comprehensive and multi-angle statistical analysis of data.